Cervical Facet Injections

Cervical Facet Injections

At Pain Interventions, we understand the debilitating effects of cervical pain. Whether it's due to injury, arthritis, or other underlying conditions, chronic neck pain can significantly impact your daily life. That's why we're here to introduce you to a proven pain management solution – cervical facet injections. Read on to learn more about this effective procedure and how Pain Interventions can help you find lasting relief.

What are Cervical Facet Injections? Cervical facet injections are a minimally invasive procedure that targets the facet joints in your neck, which can be a source of chronic pain. The facet joints connect the vertebrae, allowing for smooth movement and providing stability to the neck. However, when these joints become inflamed or damaged, they can cause persistent discomfort.

During a cervical facet injection, a specialized healthcare provider at Pain Interventions will use fluoroscopic guidance to precisely deliver a combination of a local anesthetic and a corticosteroid medication directly into the affected facet joint. This injection helps reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve your overall mobility.

How Can Cervical Facet Injections Help You? Cervical facet injections can provide significant pain relief for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Cervical facet joint syndrome: This occurs when the facet joints in the neck become irritated or inflamed, leading to chronic pain and restricted movement.
  • Whiplash injuries: Following an accident or trauma, the cervical facet joints may be injured, causing persistent pain and stiffness.
  • Cervical spondylosis: This age-related condition involves the degeneration of the cervical spine, leading to the breakdown of the facet joints and resulting in chronic neck pain.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis can affect the facet joints in the neck, causing chronic pain and stiffness.

The Benefits of Choosing Pain Interventions: When you choose Pain Interventions for your cervical facet injections, you can expect:

  • Experienced professionals: Our highly skilled team of pain management specialists in Rochester, NY, has extensive expertise in administering cervical facet injections with precision and care.
  • Personalized treatment plans: We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our treatment plans to address your specific needs, ensuring optimal pain relief and improved quality of life.
  • Advanced technology: At Pain Interventions, we employ state-of-the-art fluoroscopic guidance to enhance the accuracy of the injections, ensuring that the medication is precisely delivered to the affected facet joint.
  • Comprehensive care: Our dedicated team provides comprehensive follow-up care, monitoring your progress and adjusting the treatment plan as necessary to ensure long-term pain relief.

Take the First Step Towards a Pain-Free Life: Don't let cervical pain control your life any longer. Contact Pain Interventions today to schedule a consultation with one of our pain management specialists. Experience the benefits of cervical facet injections and regain your freedom from chronic neck pain. Call (585) 899-3450 or visit our website to book your appointment now!

At Pain Interventions, we are committed to helping you achieve lasting relief from cervical pain. With our expertise in cervical facet injections and personalized care, we can guide you towards a pain-free life. Contact us today and take the first step towards a brighter, more comfortable future.

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